Work area ->

The “JuLeiCa Coordination” qualifies youth leaders for their voluntary work in youth organizations. JuLeiCa stands for JugendLeiter*innen Card (Youth Leader Card) and is a nationwide recognized card certifying a basic qualification in the field of youth work. Besides basic qualification, the JuLeiCa Coordination regularly offers further training on different matters, such as law, how to plan a group trip, communication skills and many more​. It also aims to honor voluntary engagement with special events​ for youth leaders.
The basic qualification in Dortmund encompasses 80 hours of pedagogical basics, such as:
  • Children and their environment
  • Leading a group
  • Creative youth work: how to implement my ideas
  • Establishing a framework and working within a framework
  • Tools for group leading
The JuLeiCa Coordination is always a part of the Jugendring Dortmund team. We always coordinate our work and cooperate in many ways. In different projects we cooperate with our local youth welfare service, educational officers of our member organizations and other educational players in Dortmund and beyond.


Work area - Training for Youth Leaders

0231 – 50 16 16 1

Norma Funk

Rainer Hüls

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 33-37
44135 Dortmund